By Andrea Vibe

It is a fact that children in Performing Arts maintain better academic results. Additionally, Performing Arts at any age builds self-esteem and confidence which are
valuable tools needed to face any life challenge.
Whether pursuing careers or just for fun, tools learned can be used throughout our lives. Regardless of abilities, VIBE instructors strive to build a warm and supportive environment. Sure, setbacks can happen. But how students are taught to work through these setbacks is what makes a difference. SET BACKS are SET UPS for COME BACKS!

Self-Esteem and confidence is a passport to a life of mental health and social
happiness. How you feel about yourself affects how you act. With proper training,
students develop a love for the arts and build self-esteem and confidence that will be
rewarding, resulting in confident job interviews and speaking in front of a group.
After a singer performs in group classes I instruct, positive feedback from the class is
solicited. Constructive criticism is essential for improvement, but most focus on what is
wrong and not what is right.
A good exercise is to video your performance. Review it and instead of looking for things that need to improve, focus on looking for areas that were positive. This is not easy to do but if positive aspects of your performance are sought after, most feel encouraged (even beginners)! If self-esteem is fostered, confidence improves and overall improvement is inevitable.

Why not work to build these tools in your and your children’s lives? The success of
education depends upon cooperation between teacher, student, and parent. VIBE
Performing Arts endeavors to help all students experience excitement and dedication
necessary to help them succeed in life as well as on stage. Call 661-255-7464 or visit for more information.